Can You Hold It for a Moment?

Angry businesswoman arguing with businessman about paperwork failure at workplace, executives having conflict over responsibility for bad work results, partners disputing about contract during meeting

Greeting Beloved of God, I hope you’re well and that you are prospering in Spirit, Soul and body.

As I worked from a public spot today, I overheard a conversation between a lady and gentleman. They seemed to be arguing, discussing about a project concept note or mini proposal that had been written. Initially they begun by disagreeing and the man who seemed to have a practical to be more accurate the political knowledge of the activities planned for and probably the Author of the proposal disagreed way much more than he agreed. Now, the lady who from the start seemed to have more technical knowledge in planning, budgeting, discussing and auditing mostly tried to get him see some dark spots in the proposal. She labored to explain to him how this proposal couldn’t be approved due glaring misnomers. His response for most of the time, bordered oppositional defiant to emotional blackmail related styles.

At some point, I don’t know how but I guess his resistance overreached the boundaries, so she told him she had another meeting to attend. She explained she was not for budget trimming, all she was asking for is realistic projections and costing. She told him if they got down to working the sooner the better instead of arguing. Then she threw in her own emotional blackmail as well about how men don’t take women’s points and wisdom seriously. I don’t know what happened next, because my meeting started and all I know when I next looked, they all looked like the best working pair you could ever find. She was no longer writing, he had taken the pen and was busy, quietly and if I may add, submissively writing!!! She even left for home briefly!!!

By my time of writing this just know that the opposition in that man, like H.E. Museveni said will be no more by 2021, even this one is no more. He has seen her point and now she has even sent him back to the drawing board and he is busy rewriting the entire concept alone, according to her recommendation. He is even seeking her advice. All that noise is gone. We only have a cooperative front and team before us. He has already been calling his ‘compatriots’ I mean colleagues to tell them there’s no other way, the whole budget has to be redone. He has been schooled…he has unlearnt and now is relearning. We the neighbors can now focus better. Our environs are better but even better, the targets will be achieved, I hope. Less talk more profitable Action. When she returned, she came and told him to join her under the trees when he’s done!!! Towakana [Don’t chide, don’t trash]…eno True Story.

Upon reflecting about this incident, I wondered, ‘what if he had only focused on listening before putting on that show, we all got to view without paying for tickets? What if he had started on the work immediately? Is he always like this? Then I asked myself what if I applied this lesson to my life and work situations, what if we all listened more than we talked????What kind of world would we have have??? What kind of planning meetings and relationship discussions would we have???

Then, am reminded of a Proverb which says that for keeping silent a foolish man may be mistaken for the wise…James talks about the power of the tongue, how you can set an entire forest ablaze with your tongue Huh!!!! Say no more, let me bring them here before you point that finger at me.

“Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.” [Proverbs 17:28 NKJV]

Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. [James 3:5-6 NKJV] Am going to say again, what if we learnt to govern our tongue what would happen to all those annoying people in your life, would they perhaps have some space to breathe, reflect and change their ways??? Will you try to listen more than you speak, and only speak after listening not hearing? These two are differ. One applies wisdom, questioning, empathy before the answer, the other merely answers without counting the cost. One is childish while the other is mature, the adult thing to do. Will you first understand the expectation and motives/purpose of the other person’s message before you respond to it???  I haven’t arrived in terms of these matters perhaps am the worst at it, can you join me on a journey of learning? Am just asking…Think about this.

☆ As you can already guess; am going to make this plea, so let me, 👌, 🙏🏽 I Say 👉Practice the👉 “BELIEVE 👉 OBEY 👉 PRAISE (B.O.P) principle consistently


*You’re The Visible Manifestation and Description of God, 2020* 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


Yours Truly Peter B💝🌹

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